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Nobody ever compared whether a low-carb or a low-glycemic diet works better to control our blood glucose levels. Until now. Both diets improved A1C levels and helped participants in a 24-week study to lose weight. But the low-carb group did a lot b
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The malpractice cap that Texas instituted in 2003 is leading to an influx of doctors.That's good for patients who benefit from the access provided by the new physicians. However, the Texas Medical Board can't keep up with the pace of new registrati
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This is not our normal fare, but I would like to ask each of you to learn more about the environmental mess happening in East Tennessee as a result of a lack of regulation, lack of response, and lack of people who give a s**t about what happens to t
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I rarely blog about sports, but I'll make an exception for today. I'm not much of a football fan, at least not of professional football. These days, the games take even longer than a baseball game and all too often lack the excitement of even that.<
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I always begin December with the best intentions. I will work out, eat well, avoid overindulging, and get enough sleep no matter how full my schedule becomes. By this last week of the month, it becomes clear that I have had to make some compromises
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This medical student thinks so - Enough whining about primary care
I’m not trying to present this as a comprehensive look at the data. But it is representative. I stand by my claim that the sum of the evidence favors the read more »
Stanford's Abraham Verghese has a wonderful perspective piece in the current NEJM.With the advent of electronic information systems in hospitals, today's medical residents spend more time in front of computer monitors instead of talking to patients.
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Stanford's Abraham Verghese has a wonderful perspective piece in the current NEJM.With the advent of electronic information systems in hospitals, today's medical residents spend more time in front of computer monitors instead of talking to patients.
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