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I don't know about you, but those warnings about the BPA in plastic water bottles possibly causing cancer and urinary tract problems really didn't sit well with me. So my old Nalgene is now a lantern, and I now use my Sigg or Klean Kanteen bottle
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It’s a vexing question and one that Dr. Ronald Pies tries to address in a recent New York Times piece, I think with great aplomb. The answer is, of course, “Yes,” but does sadness always lead to depression? And that answer is, of c
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By Scott Shreeve The September/October issue of Health Affairs is dedicated to reviewing concepts of the medical home. It is most likely the most current, authoritative, and impressive review of this emerging idea. Health Affairs is an excellent res
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Normally, when you hear someone complain about direct-to-consumer advertising, it has to do with prescription drugs. But the Senate Special Committee on Aging believes there is just as many troubling issues when it comes to DTC ads for medical devic
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Where does a researcher turn when toxicology services are in short supply? In a new twist on the outsourcing craze, a new service hopes to fill that void with Assay Depot, an online marketplace that allows bench scientists to buy varying drug disco
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