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I was in a bit of a crappy mood last night.
There were a number of reasons for this, including frustration at work trying to put together two grants, trying to revise a manuscript to resubmit it, dealing with collaborators and various oth read more »
There were a number of reasons for this, including frustration at work trying to put together two grants, trying to revise a manuscript to resubmit it, dealing with collaborators and various oth read more »
Twice this year, Cephalon has sharply raised the price of its Provigil narcolepsy drug, which is now 28 percent more expensive than in March and 74 percent more expensive than four years ago, and the drugmaker said recently it plans to continue rais
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The more you move around during your workday, the better for your health, your waistline, and your brain. One element of your outfit that can often disrupt your ability and desire to get up and move is your footwear. High heels maybe lovely to look
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Now that the US Supreme Court has heard her case (this is the transcript), the Vermont musician is getting more assertive about publicizing her plight and the issues involved. We interviewed her earlier this year (take a look), but now everyone has
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By Brian Klepper These are, as the Chinese curse reputedly called them, interesting times. If the burst of new Democratic health care reform proposals is any indication, a fresh breeze of the Obama campaign's "Yes We Can" optimism is blowing...
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The company is raising the price on the drug to steer people toward a newer drug, Nuvigil, before generic versions of Provigil are available.
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Parsnips are more than just craggy looking albino carrots. They are tasty tubers that are worth learning to love, and I don't think you will have to work hard to love them. Nutritionally speaking, parnips are like a cross between carrots and potatoe
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A physician blogger asks: "I would like to put a book review section in by itself. I would really like it to look more like sections on the front page of a newspaper that I could add to separately than one big long blog of such disparate topics."The
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