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The struggle is all too familiar: your fitness goals are in sight, but the thought of sweating out your perfect twist-out as you power through a good run just doesn't seem worth it. Wash day is a hassle, no doubt, but it shouldn't come at the expens
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So you want to compare two treatments–for instance Treatment A and Treatment B–in order to see which one has largest impact on health outcomes. Sure you could do a randomized controlled trial, but let’s say you don’t have the
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At a brunch for the launch of Misty Copeland's third Under Armour collection, she shared the inspiration behind the collection, her must-have training pieces (high-waisted leggings and hoodies), and she also talked about what it took for her t read more »
Everything about losing weight can feel tough, from finding the motivation to exercise on days that you just want to watch Netflix, to fighting the temptation to indulge in the donuts your coworker brought in. It seems unfair, really, that your budg
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Spin class is all about that playlist - to the point that hopping on a bike solo, whether at home or the gym, can feel, well, kind of boring. For those of us (me!) who need a little extra push, this 50-minute playlist designed specifically for cycli
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We've written about both the Concierge Medicine and Direct Primary Care (DPC) health care practice models. And, we've interviewed one of the pioneers of the latter, FoIB Dr Rob Lamberts.But how cool is it that Dr Rob has written this very helpful ex
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I had no idea that coming from a picky-eating childhood, I'd grow up to actually want to flip through plant-based cookbooks (Isa Does It is my favorite right now!) or scroll through vegan recipe blogs (shout-out to Oh She Glows!). Some of my happies
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Even once you've burned off any fat in your midsection, you may not have the definition you've always craved. It's an unavoidable truth that, while getting your heart rate up is essential to losing fat, it doesn't necessarily equate a six-pack. If y
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