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Good news from an Insurer in today’s readings:“Health insurer Anthem plans to launch a new mobile app that will enable its 40 million members to get quicker access to personalized health information and treatment options.Through the app, members als
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For today's edition of Dear Mark, I'm answering questions about vitamin K2 and microworkouts. The last two posts on both topics garnered a number of good questions. What's the best dose of vitamin K2? Should statin users taking vitamin K2, since sta
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If you're ready to take your strength workouts to the next level and shock your muscles (in a good way of course), CrossFit might be exactly what you need. It's quick, it's intense, and no matter the workout, you're going to be gassed once it's over
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If you looked on my "saved" tab on Instagram, you'd see a lot of cats and even more booty workouts (the former is cuter than the latter, and both are good for my health). Sure, there are tons of routines you can find on YouTube - and we mean tons -
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If you love seafood as much as we do, you'll want to dive head first into these low-carb shrimp recipes. On its own, shrimp is a naturally low-carb source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. To ensure these recipes align with your goals, while still
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Active service military need health care. How do they get it? For the 9.5 million active military beneficiaries and their families, the Military Health Service (MHS) provides the health care they need. Some of the medical care is provided at militar
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Picture this: It's late, every shop is closed, you've still got mountains of work to do, and your stomach starts to grumble. Yes, you could order some delivery pizza, but it's usually too expensive and not really what you want. Pizza won't keep you
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In the sport of gymnastics, you'll notice Morgan Hurd for three things: her glasses, her grace, and her dynamic skills. Morgan is the 2017 World all-around champion, and at this weekend's US Gymnastics Championships, she came in fourth overall behin
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