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“Put me out of my misery!” I’ve pleaded to anyone within earshot in the throes of a grueling day, a rant from one feeling burnt out. There are days I want to pull my hair out, even the ones that aren’t gray. One night I caught myself grunting, “I ha
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Having a mentor leads to a more successful and satisfying career for doctors. So how does one go about finding a mentor mid-training or after training? Many medical schools and residency programs have mentorship requirements for trainees. But those
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Celebrity trainer Jillian Michaels is the ultimate motivator. She helped numerous people get healthy on The Biggest Loser, and now she offers customized workouts and meal plans on her new app My Fitness by Jillian Michaels. Knowing that she's read more »
I'm one of those people who plan their workouts around their hair-washing schedule, which is about every other day. I'll opt for a high-impact workout on days my hair is most greasy while saving my low-impact classes (like barre) for days I'm read more »
If you've been taking the pill for a while but feel it's time to say goodbye, you'll want to be prepared for how your body may respond. Upon quitting, you're bound to experience a slew of symptoms, thanks to the changes in hormone levels.
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Fitness Friday! I would do core exercises all day everyday if I could, oh wait I do 🤦🏼♀️ It still amazes me that you can get such a great workout by using your own body weight. 1. 32 reps 2. 16 reps 3. 32 reps Three sets. For more core wor
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Jason Shafrin, our favorite health care economist, hosts this month's compendium of health care polity, policy and wonkery.Instagram-style.Really, and quite well done!Original content copyright © InsureBlog
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Belly bloat sucks, and you'd be hard pressed to find a woman who doesn't have to deal with it. I certainly do; whenever I scarf down a plate of pad see ew or a pint of hard cider (and even sometimes when I haven't eaten anything more innocuous read more »
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