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The beauty of the reusable water bottle is that it's just that - reusable. You can repeatedly head to the water cooler or faucet to fill it up, but when your bottle continually stays wet, it doesn't have the chance to get a proper cleaning. Si read more »
From the spectacular fireworks and carb-loading on churros to the perfect weather, there are a million reasons why a runDisney race through Disney World (or Disneyland, when those races return) is the perfect beginner half marathon - but we'll conde
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Who knew that your childhood diary could be the ultimate form of self-care? Studies have shown that writing your emotions down on paper can help reduce stress and anxiety and even ease trauma. Research on the benefits of "expressive writing" i read more »
Diet plays a huge role in weight loss, so one of the biggest questions registered dietitian Sheri Kasper gets asked by clients is what's one thing they can do right now to start losing weight. Sheri shared with POPSUGAR that she tells clients to "ea
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There is so much advice on how to lose fat and sculpt your body that it can be overwhelming when you're a fitness beginner. Should you focus on cardio alone, start squatting double your weight, or just jump head first into a life of CrossFit? The qu
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A post shared by Marci Nevin Fitness (@marcinevin) on Apr 6, 2018 at 7:06pm PDT
There are two types of people in this world: the ones who cannot function without coffee and the "others". All jokes aside, if you're tryi read more »
Exercise for women used to be limited to what you could do in a leotard. But times have changed, and what we as women do in the pursuit of fitness is only limited by our imagination. It's easy to fall back on our mainstays of running and traditional
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Depression is far more complex than many of us think. Jed Diamond from YourTango reveals some of the hidden causes of this mental health disorder that you may not have already known.
Your doctor has probably never told you this.
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Your doctor has probably never told you this.
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