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For today's edition of Dear Mark, I'm answering three questions. First, what's the deal with the new Harvard study claiming that eating more red meat increases the death rate? Does it actually prove this? Second, how about the one claiming that redu
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Trying to lose belly fat and get abs won't happen overnight, but it isn't impossible. To lose belly fat and get your abs to show, you're going to have to change your nutrition and be consistent with your exercise regimen.
Because every body ada read more »
Because every body ada read more »
If you're like me, you've taken one look at the ab wheel at the gym and gone running back to your mat. For such a small piece of equipment, the ab wheel is intimidating, and with good reason. Eric and Ryan Johnson, the NSCA-certified trainers behind
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Iskra Lawrence doesn't focus on her so-called "imperfections" anymore; instead, the #AerieREAL Role Model has retrained her mind to see what's actually there: beauty. She's long been an advocate for body positivity and self-care - she told POPSUGAR
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When we interviewed two dozen women earlier this year about why they work out, they named a lot of different reasons. Many said it helps with their mental health and mindfulness; others said they do it to inspire their loved ones to get active read more »
Stacie Brown swears by WW. In a little more than a year and a half, the 30-year-old bride has dropped more than 55 pounds, and she's never been more excited about the way her clothes fit and how confident she feels in her workout classes. Like most
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Does carb-loading actually work? It's a fair question when you consider your running diet. Excess carbs can lead to weight gain (especially simple carbs, such as sugar or white bread), even when you're running miles and miles every week. Carbs read more »
Low-carb treats are always a good idea, whether or not you're actually trying to eat low-carb for weight loss. If you've got a serious sweet tooth, there's something so satisfying about indulging your cravings, and it's made even better if that indu
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