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I'm not embarrassed to admit that I'm 100 percent a fair-weather runner. So when the warmer Spring weather finally blew through Vermont a few weeks ago, it totally inspired me to head outside and start trail running again. I love the freedom of runn
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You stocked up on half a dozen avocados and put them in the fridge so they wouldn't all ripen at the same time. But if you're mildly obsessed like me and eat an avocado a day, you need a ripe avocado now. Here are two ways to ripen an avocado fast.<
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Some people have struggled with their weight for what seems like their entire lives. Courtney Ball (@intotheforest_i_go on Instagram), 34, told POPSUGAR, "My journey with health and fitness has been a lifetime battle." She's lost and gained weight t
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Finding new ways to work your abs is all kinds of fun - at least for me it is. And if I can incorporate moves I learned from my decade and a half in gymnastics, it's a win-win. So, when Olympic gymnast Alicia Sacramone, now Alicia Sacramone Quinn, (
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When it comes to any kind of exercise, a warmup (and cooldown!) is important, so running is no exception. NASM-certified Peloton Tread master trainer and USATF/RRCA run coach Rebecca Kennedy told POPSUGAR that if you're doing a more intense run - li
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When I walked into the Energi workout studio to interview Vanessa Hudgens, where we'd taken Megan Roup's The Sculpt Society class sponsored by Propel Vitamin Boost, she was in the middle of stretching her hamstrings - the workout was hard, le read more »
Teriyaki is a classic accompaniment for salmon, but concerns about soy may have kept you away from enjoying this combo. No more. Primal Kitchen® No-Soy Teriyaki brings the taste to new life. And it goes perfectly with this Primal- and keto-friendly
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You ready to kick it? Joseph D. is here to push you past your limits by mixing dance moves with cardio kickboxing. Yes, you will get sweaty, but you will have so much fun getting there. Why? Because Joseph's infectious energy will have you smiling w
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