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One of the worst things you can feel before a workout is hungry. You're stuck with an impossible choice: whether to suck it up and hit the gym - knowing you're going to feel tired, weak, and uncomfortable, at best - or to get a snack, and the read more »
Coast, mountains, forest, desert - there are amazing hiking trails to be found in any kind of ecosystem (here are our must-do hikes for every state). When the weather gets warmer, there's nothing we want to do more than explore the wilderness read more »
In recent years, cauliflower has gone through something of a renaissance. It has transformed from broccoli's less colorful little sister to a star vegetable on its own to a great base for everything from pizza to sandwiches. Yes, now when restaurant
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Keto, Paleo, low-carb, vegetarian, vegan - there are so many diets out there, almost all of them purporting weight loss benefits. Yet the one thing most diets have in common is the recommendation to avoid ultraprocessed foods. It's not an eas read more »
Getting your protein fix and simultaneously satisfying your sweet tooth just got a whole lot easier, thanks to Target. Earlier this month, the retailer began selling Munk Pack protein cookies at every store around the nation, and it's safe to say th
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It seems like everything - or at least anything worth having - is damaging to your teeth: coffee, wine, sparkling water, and yes, even tea. Fortunately, if you're a green tea enthusiast, there's a silver lining. But first, the bad news: "Gree read more »
So the great state of Washington has passed legislation implementing what appears to be the first "Social-Insurance Program for Long-Term Care" in the nation.Cool.But what, exactly, does that mean?Well first, let's look at what this plan isn't:It is
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_____ Wow. Fascinating three days last week. Some of our favorite moments and take-aways… 1. Dr. Tom Insel provided a spectacular overview of the digital revolution in brain health and mental health. While we have historically failed to bend the cur
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