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Lots of employees are getting pushed into high-deductible health plans that leave them on the hook for more of their health-care spending. But many doctors aren't ready to help patients hash out the costs of their health care.
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I haven’t yet had a chance to review this case in detail, but Rachel (the other Rachel!) at RH Reality Check reports that the Supreme Court has “rejected an appeal from the state of Missouri, which had hoped for one more chance to defend
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An unauthorized rocket decked out in Viagra regalia was towed through the streets of New York, testing the maxim that there is no such thing as bad publicity. Pfizer went to court to prevent a repeat performance.
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You're asking and I'm answering . . .
Dear Fit,
I'm in the market for a new bike, but while shopping I've noticed that there are bikes made for guys and then that company will make the same bike but designed for women. The colors are usua read more »
Dear Fit,
I'm in the market for a new bike, but while shopping I've noticed that there are bikes made for guys and then that company will make the same bike but designed for women. The colors are usua read more »
Here we go again.
It seems just yesterday that I was casting a skeptical eye on yet another dubious acupuncture study. OK, it wasn't just yesterday, but it was less than two weeks ago when I discussed why a study that purported to show th read more »
It seems just yesterday that I was casting a skeptical eye on yet another dubious acupuncture study. OK, it wasn't just yesterday, but it was less than two weeks ago when I discussed why a study that purported to show th read more »
Here we go again.
It seems just yesterday that I was casting a skeptical eye on yet another dubious acupuncture study. OK, it wasn't just yesterday, but it was less than two weeks ago when I discussed why a study that purported to show th read more »
It seems just yesterday that I was casting a skeptical eye on yet another dubious acupuncture study. OK, it wasn't just yesterday, but it was less than two weeks ago when I discussed why a study that purported to show th read more »
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