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Once again, I find myself straying into a political issue (although I'd argue that it's more a human rights issue). I understand that I'm probably in the minority in this country in my opposition to the death penalty. My fellow Americans generally
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So, let's see what's new in PLoS Medicine, PLoS Biology and PLoS ONE today.
First, my SciBlings Shelley, Nick and Tara just published a PLoS Biology article about science blogs:
Advancing Science through Conversations: Bridging read more »
First, my SciBlings Shelley, Nick and Tara just published a PLoS Biology article about science blogs:
Advancing Science through Conversations: Bridging read more »
This story is disturbing for a host of reasons, but there's a medical ethics issue hiding in here.
Apparently, if you work for the Long Island Railroad, you can retire at 50, then claim disability for a job you no longer have, and collect read more »
Apparently, if you work for the Long Island Railroad, you can retire at 50, then claim disability for a job you no longer have, and collect read more »
Autumn starts today, and you may notice that your early-morning runs are cooling off. Moving tight muscles in frigid temps is a great way to pull a muscle, so here's a little tip I picked up from my running buddies. Before a long run in the cold, wa
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Every blogger encounters a post that he wishe he or she had written. Here's one such time, as Prometheus schools us on how alternative practitioners manage to be so persuasive and convincing:
How they do the voodoo that they do so read more »
How they do the voodoo that they do so read more »
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