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It should come as no surprise that heavy drinking was associated with developing dementia; alcohol has toxic effects on the body, including the brain, and has been linked to numerous diseases. However, a new study in the British Medical Journa read more »
The method behind the Tracy Anderson Method is a unique one: the temperature in her dance-cardio classes is cranked up to 86 degrees with 69 percent humidity, and Tracy provides zero instruction. Now, if you've ever taken a group fitness class read more »
A lot of people were surprised that Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey sent a letter last week to the Health Policy Commission, expressing concerns about the merger of Beth Israel Deaconess, Lahey Health, New England Baptist, Mount Auburn a
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Reliant –formerly Fallon Clinic– has 2600 employees and is almost 90 years old. Optum is purchasing them. Here’s what David Williams told the Worcester Telegram: “A lot of these systems are under strain,” said David E. Williams, p
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Lunges are one of the most basic and effective exercises you can do to target your booty and legs. Adding weights to the move makes it way more intense. Try this variation that will not only challenge your sense of balance but will also definitely l
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It's been a long time since I published the Definitive Guide to Fish Oils. Oh sure, here and there I've cited some research supporting the beneficial effects of fish fat, but it almost goes without saying that omega-3s are important. Everyone knows
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On the quest to burn belly fat, you may have tried all the tricks of the trade: loading up on belly-fat-fighting foods and beverages, ditching processed junk, and incorporating core-strengthening exercises. And while this is all well and good, read more »
If you thought fiber only matters when you're older, think again. It turns out most people don't get enough fiber in their diets and as a result are missing out on all of the benefits fiber has to offer. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that is read more »
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