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How do you design a good clinical trial? Clearly, the trial design depends on what question you are answering. For instance consider the dichotomy between an explanatory and pragmatic trial: A pragmatic randomised trial is undertaken in the “real w
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_____ Dear reader, Time for SharpBrains monthly e-newsletter, discussing latest thinking, research and tools for lifelong brain health and mental health. Enjoy! New thinking: Study finds clear–yet surprisingly different–benefits in 3 types of m
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You might be surprised to know that CrossFit isn't just about lifting heavy-ass weights and flipping tires! Sometimes it incorporates high-intensity Tabata-style workouts. Tabata involves structuring your workout into 20 seconds of pushing yourself
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Oh:The combined net worth of all US billionaires is $2.7 trillion.That means if you were to tax billionaires at 100% AND send in agents to forcibly seize and liquidate all their property assets, you couldn't even fund it for one year.
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Over the weekend, five-time Olympic medalist (four of which are gold) Simone Biles competed in the all-around competition at the 2018 US Classic, her first meet since the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
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Nicki Minaj and Ariana Grande brought the heat in their latest collaboration, "Bed" (watch their sultry video here), and now you can unleash your sexy side to a dance cardio workout set to the song. The Fitness Marshall shows us how to wor read more »
Many of us know how difficult it can be to maintain our fitness routine when we're on the go. You may not have access to a gym or your schedule might only permit a few minutes at most to get your sweat on. As someone who's traveling constantly, cele
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There's no denying that the keto diet is effective; it's helped countless people lose tons of weight, fight inflammation, and even regulate their blood sugar. But being successful on the diet requires some careful planning and meal prep. After read more »
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