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CMS has focused in recent years on payment reform–especially alternative payment models–in Medicare’s fee-for-service (FFS) reimbursement system, but much less has been paid to beneficiaries enrolled in Medicare’s managed car
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I started running after college to lose that freshman 40 I was holding onto. I learned a lot along the way, like what socks prevent blisters and how to shop for a sports bra so you don't have to wear two. But what I struggled with was losing w read more »
Research of the Week
Bigger waists, lower vitamin D.
People with severe mental illnesses are more likely than the general population to have diabetes or pre-diabetes.
Broccoli sprouts improve symptoms in kids with autism.
Gene-ed read more »
Bigger waists, lower vitamin D.
People with severe mental illnesses are more likely than the general population to have diabetes or pre-diabetes.
Broccoli sprouts improve symptoms in kids with autism.
Gene-ed read more »
I’m always happy to speak with the press to provide my take on healthcare business and policy. In the last few days I’ve been quoted in a few outlets: Today’s Boston Globe: In a sudden departure, Harvard Pilgrim CEO resigns amid qu
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A post shared by Marta Mielczarska (@martamielczarskaa) on Aug 18, 2017 at 7:51am PDT
Bikini competitor and fitness expert Marta Mielczarska, NASM, CPT, FNS, consistently shares fitness tips and workouts on her Instagr read more »
Weight Watchers is truly the healthy-living program that not only works for weight loss but also helps people keep the weight off. Just ask Bri DeMattia, who joined Weight Watchers in January 2015; by May 2016 she had lost a whopping 99.2 pounds. Ev
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I was determined to lose the belly fat I've had since high school, that progressively grew from my addiction to sugar, cheese, and refined carbs (aka Swedish fish and grilled cheese) in college, and then from two pregnancies. Running 30 to 40 miles
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It's grill season, and we've got an uber-flavorful update on a true summer classic— Primal Kitchen® Garlic Aioli Mayo Burgers! Grab some grass-fed beef chuck, and pull together your favorite toppings and parsnips fries for an unbeatable primal burge
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