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The June 21-Day Staff Challenge begins right now! The community board on Vimify is already hopping this morning as folks share their goals in the Challenge and what they're doing today toward those intentions. By the way, be sure to sign up on the V
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If your waist is the first place pounds tend to creep up on, those are probably the pounds that are the hardest to lose. If you've been blessed with an apple-shaped body and you're looking to slim your middle a bit, here's what you need to do to los
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You're probably well aware of the stomach and back pains that can come along with your period - thank god for heating pads and chocolate! However, you may also experience pain or discomfort for the one or two days that you're ovulating, aka th read more »
Image Source: Unsplash / Kiersten Ramshaw
First position: plié. Once, twice. Relevé, and hold. Balance, plié. Repeat in second, then fifth. What once would have been like another language to me (OK, fair, part of it is in another language read more »
I smoke pot regularly - every day, in fact. It's my evening ritual after I've packed my gym bag, put away the dirty dishes, and changed into my sweatpants. Although marijuana is the cornerstone of my self-care practice, I had never really tho read more »
By the middle of my sophomore year of college, I was in the worst physical shape of my life. A mix of drinking, the freedom to eat whatever and whenever I pleased, and my mom's cancer prognosis led to rapid weight gain and plummeting self-conf read more »
Being on a diet doesn't mean you have to eat boring meals of just unseasoned vegetables, which is what I had long been convinced a diet meant. But no! We have more than 250 recipes here ranging from breakfasts to desserts that fit a variety of healt
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The dress is bought, the final fitting has happened - the last thing you want is to feel puffy and bloated as you walk down the aisle. If food tends to trigger digestive discomfort for you, a good rule of thumb is to stick to a basic elimination die
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