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There are a lot of good reasons to try the Whole30 Diet; it's made up of fresh, whole foods, and free of things like sugar, junk food, and alcohol. It's a great plan for anyone looking to clean up their diet, but given the strict guidelines, meal pr
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You heard of the freshman 15? For me it was more like the freshman 40. No joke. I was a recent vegan convert, and only having access to the dining hall meant living on pasta, bagels, french fries, and cereal (Fruit Loops are vegan!). I was a total j
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Kimberly Snyder might just be the queen of detox. Not only does she have practically all of Hollywood sipping on her Glowing Green Smoothie, but she also just released a new book, The Beauty Detox Power ($19), to address the more emotional asp read more »
Kimberly Snyder might just be the queen of detox. Not only does she have practically all of Hollywood sipping on her Glowing Green Smoothie, but she also just released a new book, The Beauty Detox Power ($19), to address the more emotional asp read more »
A post shared by Paula Norris, Dietitian 🇦🇺 (@movingdietitian) on Mar 19, 2018 at 12:36pm PDT
Whether you're packing an afternoon snack or hitting up the appetizers at a party, Paula Norris, a dietitian known as moving read more »
HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workouts are all the rage right now, and for good reason. HIIT cardio is said to be one of the best ways to burn fat and lose weight. We spoke to Andrew Schuth, a trainer and HIIT expert at Burn60, a per read more »
You've been taking apple cider vinegar (ACV) for a while now. It's not the most pleasant part of your day, but with possible weight-loss benefits, improved digestion, boosted immunity, and the fact that it's rich in vitamins E, A, and P and minerals
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The calves are one of the most overused and overlooked muscles in the body, and if you wear heels, run regularly, or both, stretching your calves is a must, since tight, shortened calves can lead to injury. These five calf stretches can be done almo
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