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When you step into a supplement superstore, it's easy to get overwhelmed with what lines the shelves: hundreds of vitamins, pills, and powders all promising to deliver miracle results and ramp up your training. And while there are health benef read more »
I'd always believed that things like coconut oil and olive oil were part of a healthy diet. I ate them regularly with just about every meal - I cooked with olive oil, spread coconut oil on my toast, and drizzled avocado oil on my hummus. A few month
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Our friend and colleague David Fluker tipped us to this Sunshine State news:Beginning w/July 1 start dates, Anthem Blue Cross CA will allow employees covered under individual health plans both ON and OFF exchange a valid group participation waiver.
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You're trading in your avocado toast or overnight oats for a smoothie, hoping cutting down on carbs will help you lose weight. Before you sip down an all-fruit smoothie, make sure you throw these three ingredients in the blender to keep you full and
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Sleeping in when you need it isn't only a recommended form of self-care - science now says it could help extend your lifespan. According to a recent study conducted by Stockholm University's Stress Research Institute, those who don't get enoug read more »
I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder when I was in graduate school, although I suffered from anxiety symptoms for many years before that. I was told that I had a form of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), which manifests in different ways read more »
Electronic Medical Records (EMR) are getting much press these days, especially since the Bush Adminstration is pushing them as a core of the NHII (National Health Information Infrastructure) in the second term agenda. HHS set aside $50 million for E
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I’ve been in the healthcare IT industry for a little over 10 years now and I’ve noticed that 2005 feels alot like 1999 in terms of healthcare IT mindshare, reporting, and investments. I think much of the reason for the resurgence in heal
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