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Nearly everyone carries one version or another of the herpes virus. A recent study suggests that the new gene-editing technology known as CRISPR/Cas9 may be able to eliminate this ever-present virus -- or at least suppress it.div class="feedflare" read more »
The headline in a New York Times article on Heather Bresch, the CEO of drugmaker Mylan Inc., reads: “Painted as EpiPen Villain, Mylan’s Chief Says She’s No Such Thing.”
EpiPen is an auto-injector for a drug called epinephrine for potentially fa read more »
EpiPen is an auto-injector for a drug called epinephrine for potentially fa read more »
I’m looking at a pile of little boy clothes outside my back door this morning. It often looks like this if we forget to clean up. My kids shed their clothes almost as soon as they are home in search of water play of some sort: hose on the slide, spr
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John was an 88-year-old ranch owner who struck gold when he sold his homestead in Wyoming. His golden years in Arizona were spent struggling with back pain and caring for his 80-year-old niece with dementia. He ran out of pain medication and present
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Benjamin, Jr. was the apple of their eye. He was cute and inquisitive, and smart. Very, very smart. The minute he took his first breath into this world, his mom and dad had already ordained him as a future MD. He would become a doctor and follow in
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A guest column by the American Society of Anesthesiologists, exclusive to Our institution, like countless others across the country, has been working to institute processes to achieve the “triple aim” of improving the quality of health
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As a mentally ill person, I try to surround myself with others who have mental illness, particularly bipolar disorder. Since I am always talking, I find that I am normally asking “do you do this too?” questions. Recently my “do you do this too” ques
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I should have tenure. Maybe even a corner office with a panoramic view of the quad. No question, I have the research background. I second-guess (or third-guess) my decisions, craving irrefutable evidence that my decision-making is sound. As I analyz
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