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If you're vegan, you're familiar with the search for alternatives to delicious dairy products the world has to offer: cheese, milk, ice cream, the works. Yogurt, too, is something people who've gone dairy-free want in their shopping carts - and now,
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If you want to lose weight, you need to be in a modest calorie deficit - not a huge one, because you won't be able to sustain it. You can calculate your calorie deficit by multiplying your bodyweight by 10 to 12. Your caloric intake should fall some
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“…When committing to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals in 2015, world leaders emphasized the importance of promoting mental health and well-being worldwide. Yet three years later, the situation remains grim. Every year, 800,000
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Is the dry Winter air having you apply hand cream every hour, on the hour? Us too, which is why we're investing in a humidifier for our desks. They've been popping up all over the POPSUGAR office, and for good reason. The dry, hot, artificial air i
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If your goal is to dominate your weightlifting workouts, you've got to first master the basics. Doing so will ensure you've nailed down the proper technique (which is more important than how heavy you lift) and, at the end of the day, put you in the
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For this week's Dear Mark, I'm answering a question from a reader about a topic I thought I'd covered (so did they) already. A quick look through the archives (hey, I can't remember absolutely everything I ever wrote) showed that I had not, so here
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From the NYTimes:“People tend to overreport their height and underreport their weight,” said the senior author, Cynthia L. Ogden, an epidemiologist at the C.D.C. The new figures, she noted, are the result of actual measurements:Meet the average Amer
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I'm all about quick fixes that make workouts more effective, and if there's a trick to make a workout seem easier, I've probably tried that too. Those things don't usually come packaged together, but science may have hit the jackpot, and it ha read more »
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