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I'm a serial out-of-the-bag snacker, and I can tell you exactly why. I like feeling unrestricted by anything but the bottom of the bag. I like shaking the crumbs into my mouth at the end. I like that I don't have to wash extra dishes.
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_______________ We are proud to announce the first wave of confirmed Speakers to share their innovative work and insights at the 2019 SharpBrains Virtual Summit: The Future of Brain Health, to be held May 7–9th, 2019: Dr. Tom Insel, Co-founder
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If you've tuned in to Wimbledon to catch the action but are feeling a little confused by what's happening on the court, don't fret. Tennis scoring can seem complicated at first, but once you get the hang of it, you'll feel like a seasoned fan. read more »
Hey, folks! Today’s post is written by Dr. Lindsay Taylor. Lindsay is my co-author on The Keto Reset Instant Pot Cookbook and The Keto Reset Diet Cookbook. She also heads up our Keto Reset and Primal Endurance Facebook communities, and you might hav
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More and more healthcare applications are being re-platformed to run as web applications. While it’s good for ease of deployment, this means that staff that had no business using web browsers before now have valid work reasons to run browsers.
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Let's go on a run . . . or at least talk about it. It's good for improving cardiovascular health, toning your lower body, burning calories, and giving yourself some headspace. Some people pick it up later in life, while others have called the read more »
It's easy to feel like you have to ditch dessert completely when you're following a low-carb diet, especially if it's a stricter plan like keto, which encourages dieters to avoid sugar. But there are tons of recipes that swap in low-carb, Paleo, or
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