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The consumer group is upset the agency for failing to act on its 2006 petition to withdraw Darvon and other drugs containing propoxyphene, which has done in the UK. The lawsuit claims the FDA is violating the law and putting patients at risk by not
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An odd thing happened a few days ago. A new client asked if they could pay more than the quoted premium."Well, sure . . . but why would you want to?"First a little background information.My client is actually a parent looking for coverage for his so
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File this under tough sell. The drug more than doubled the risk of death in people with heart failure in a study that was terminated early in 2003 due to safety concerns, Dow Jones reports.
Sanofi still plans to resubmit the drug, dronedarone, read more »
Sanofi still plans to resubmit the drug, dronedarone, read more »
I just shook my head as I perused this item on Pharyngula earlier this morning. What else can you do? The irrationality and lunacy is beyond belief as I read a story about a mother named Colleen Leduc called into school because a report of sexual ab
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