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It's been a long time since I published the Definitive Guide to Fish Oils. Oh sure, here and there I've cited some research supporting the beneficial effects of fish fat, but it almost goes without saying that omega-3s are important. Everyone knows
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On the quest to burn belly fat, you may have tried all the tricks of the trade: loading up on belly-fat-fighting foods and beverages, ditching processed junk, and incorporating core-strengthening exercises. And while this is all well and good, read more »
If you thought fiber only matters when you're older, think again. It turns out most people don't get enough fiber in their diets and as a result are missing out on all of the benefits fiber has to offer. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that is read more »
I woke up on the morning of my 13th birthday with a surprise gift from Mother Nature: my first period. Ever since that fateful seventh-grade year of gangly limbs, training bras, pimples, and braces, I've been on a hormonal roller coaster. One read more »
If you've recently hit a frustrating weight-loss plateau and you're struggling to lose those last five pounds, extra 10 pounds, or stubborn body fat, it can be hard. But it's not impossible! Beachbody supertrainer Autumn Calabrese shares these four
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An interesting study from Kolodziej et al. (2018) using the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) data. They aim to measure what happens to adults’ labor force participation when they provide informal care to their parent
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Anal sex has a bit of a learning curve, and as you give it a try for the first time, you may find it's a bit painful or uncomfortable in the beginning.
"It's no surprise, and it's totally OK if anal sex isn't as easy as 1-2-3 for read more »
We're coming up to the last days of Summer, and as excited as we are for all the exciting things Fall has to offer, we can't say we won't miss the barbecues, beach days, and endless sunshine. To celebrate the last few weeks of Summer, we've rounded
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