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While some people use the winter as an excuse to burrow into their blankets and do as little physical activity outdoors as possible, that's a huge mistake. Wintertime is an excellent time to get outside. Don't hurry from warm interior environment to
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In a February 10th speech, President Biden wanted to end surprise bills for patients. Specifically he said: No more surprise billing. No more. In fact, he proposed the No Surprises Act. Key questions you may have include: what is a surprise bill? a
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What disease components are most burdensome to patients? How do researchers find this information out? To answer this question, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently put out its second guidance document on Patient-Focused Drug Development:
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When you think about perimenopause and menopause, you probably think of hot flashes (aka hot flushes), night sweats, trouble sleeping, perhaps weight gain. These are the most well-known symptoms, but there are many others that your doctor and your m
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Librarians often encounter people questioning the need for libraries when “everything is already online.” While a great deal of information is online, there is still a lot out there that isn’t but is still needed to help treat pati
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This is the goal of a paper by Yang et al. (2022) out in Health Economics. They first provide a nice review of the literature and divide the methodologies around risk taking into type types. I briefly summarize that literature below. Direct methods.
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Many people might know that generally the answer is commercial health plans have the most generous reimbursement compared to government plans. However, a key question is how much more do they pay? Commercial vs. Medicare rates A January 2022 report
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Research of the Week
Red meat is good for older people (and younger).
Using dairy to lose weight has better cardiometabolic effects than losing weight without dairy.
Dairy can improve zinc absorption.
Longitude within time zones read more »
Red meat is good for older people (and younger).
Using dairy to lose weight has better cardiometabolic effects than losing weight without dairy.
Dairy can improve zinc absorption.
Longitude within time zones read more »
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