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Based on analysis from National Income and Product Accounts (NIPAs), multifactor productivity (MFP) in the health care and social assistance sector declined by 0.4% per between 1987 and 2018. On the other hand, the economy as a whole experience a 0.
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"Warm" and "salad" might not be two words you'd normally associate, but we promise you that this warm spinach salad recipe has the goods! This high-protein salad boasts colorful, nutrient-dense veggies and healthy fats. Roughly chopping the greens e
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It’s not what you tell your players that counts. It’s what they hear. Red Auerbach, former coach of the Boston Celtics The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. George Bernard Shaw
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A paper by Holmberg et al. (2022) in JAMA provides a number of examples of how collider bias can lead to problematic causal inference. The term collider bias is often invoked when using directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) to map the causal pathway. Colli
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Research of the Week
Keto and protein restriction are not quite the same.
The reduction in heart disease associated with light to moderate drinking may be caused by other lifestyle factors that accompany drinking—not the alcohol itself.
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Keto and protein restriction are not quite the same.
The reduction in heart disease associated with light to moderate drinking may be caused by other lifestyle factors that accompany drinking—not the alcohol itself.
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In the short-run, the answer is likely ‘yes’. As COVID-19 (hopefully) slows and if economic growth remains strong, health care spending will fall as a share of the US economy. At least this is what the Office of the Actuary (OACT) at Cen
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Doctors, nurses, and other members of the patient care team are faced with problems on a daily basis. Some of these problems are easier to solve than others. Some of these require more research to better understand and solve the problem. Clinical gu
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Sleep deprivation affects your brain, metabolism, immune system, and cardiovascular health, not to mention your day-to-day happiness and quality of life. Sleep should be one of our top health priorities. Yet all the research says the same thi
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