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Yes, this appears to be the case. Medscape reports: In one of the largest healthcare deals to date, Kaiser Permanente is acquiring Pennsylvania-based Geisinger Health and investing $5 billion to fold it into a new nonprofit subsidiary called Risant
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A little appreciated (but important) fact: for most of human history, the average person would have been regularly exposed to ketosis. This was mostly light and transient, sometimes more protracted, but they were never far from a mildly ketogenic st
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More likely according to: Lepinteur et al. (2023): The theoretical effect [of risk aversion on COVID-19 vaccination] is ambiguous, as both COVID-19 infection and vaccination side-effects involve probabilistic elements. In large-scale data covering f
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As I do every year, I take today to highlight some health care news related to the military and our veterans. VA disability claims backlog grows. “The Department of Veterans Affairs anticipates that its claims backlog, defined as those older t
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That is the title of a new working paper written by myself, any my FTI Consulting colleagues Sabiha Quddus and Suhail Thahir. The abstract is below. Some policymakers have called for weakening of intellectual property protections for vaccines and ot
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A Minnesota bill would expand the MinnesotaCare Medicaid system to incorproate a public option. The public option would reduce uninsurance rates, but would also have some negative impacts on providers. An FTI report (“Evaluating the Potential
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Research of the Week
Being a morning person is strongly linked to greater life satisfaction..
The paleo diet of Siberia and Eastern Europe: meat and freshwater fish.
New genetic variants related to Alzheimer's found in Ashkenazi Jews. read more »
Being a morning person is strongly linked to greater life satisfaction..
The paleo diet of Siberia and Eastern Europe: meat and freshwater fish.
New genetic variants related to Alzheimer's found in Ashkenazi Jews. read more »
A paper by Hanson et al. (2023) summarizes the Congressional Budget Office’s projections around US health insurance coverage between 2023-2033. They find that low rates of uninsurance due to provisions enacted to combat COVID-19 will not be su
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