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With Summer approaching rapidly, we can't help wanting to look good in our jean shorts and tank tops. The first step is knowing that you already do look good, no matter what Summer gear you choose to wear! But to give you an extra boost of confidenc
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The Denver Post (Tracking your pregnancy on an app may be more public than you think) has published an interesting and disturbing article about the rise of Ovia, an app that collects detailed and personal data from pregnant women and those hoping to
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Katelyn Ohashi may have recently retired from collegiate gymnastics, but we're in luck, because she's teaching the next generation some of her viral moves. The 22-year-old UCLA athlete met up with photographer and YouTuber, Jordan Matter, to read more »
Big bad Partners HealthCare plans to take over Rhode Island’s number two player, Care New England. Lifespan, the market leader is trying to keep Partners out by appealing to Rhode Islanders’ resentment of out-of-state players and claiming to have th
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Chickpeas seem to be everywhere lately - and for good reason: they're high in protein, fiber, folate, and zinc. And in a small study, chickpeas have also been shown to aid in weight loss. We love how versatile they are: whether roasted on their own,
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Lice are small parasites that live on the scalp and feed on human blood. In this article, learn how to check for lice and what to do if you find them.
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You've probably read that you should eat plenty of fruits and vegetables during the day to support a healthy diet. But what exactly does "plenty" mean? And won't eating too much fruit make you gain weight? We spoke to Jim White, RD, ACSM, owne read more »
When you think of sculpting a bigger butt, one of the first exercises that probably comes to mind is the squat. Yes, squats are great if you're looking to increase your overall lower-body strength and size, but you're going to need to implement othe
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